From July 08 to July 10, 2022, a hackathon on the topic of Smart City took place in Wolfsburg, Germany during their DigiWeek.
During the event, we supported a team that developed a concept for a Smart Grid. In the Smart Grid called WOBG, the entire parking areas of Volkswagen will be covered and then equipped with photovoltaic panels.
E-charging stations will be placed directly next to the parking spaces. E-charging stations and panels are connected to the same sub-distributors. Thus, on the one hand, the vehicles can be charged directly by solar energy. On the other hand, they can also act as a giant battery themselves.
For example, load peaks in the power grid can be absorbed or car batteries that have not yet been charged can be charged proportionally.
In particular, the delivery of battery power to the grid was considered. Car owners are remunerated if their vehicle delivers power to the smart grid as a battery.
This task involves developing a database model for the smart grid to manage PV panels and charging stations and to track charging and discharging cycles of car batteries in a centralized way. To do this, take a look at how solar power systems are set up.
// there can be multiple parking lots
Table parking_lot {
id integer [not null, unique]
name char(255)
// coordinates containing the parking lot
coordinates polygon
// a parking lot has multiple rows for easier identification
Table parking_lot_row {
id integer [not null, unique]
// a row should have a name to make it findable for car owners
name char(255)
// coordinates containing the parking row
coordinates polygon
parking_lot_id integer [not null, ref: >]
Indexes {
// a row name must be unique on a parking lot
(name, parking_lot_id) [unique]
// one parking lot row has multiple cells
Table parking_lot_cell {
id integer [not null, unique]
// name in this row to make it findable. This would be probably an incrementing number
name char(255)
// coordinates containing the parking row
coordinates polygon
parking_lot_row_id integer [not null, ref: >]
Indexes {
// a cell name must be unique in a parking lot row
(name, parking_lot_row_id) [unique]
// on Solar farms, multiple solar panels are aggregated in clusters. Each parking lot has multiple clusters
Table cluster {
id integer [not null, unique]
parking_lot_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// in a cluster, there can be multiple sub distributions. Those are houses, in which the upstream inverters are coming together
Table sub_distribution {
id integer [not null, unique]
cluster_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// generated (by the panels) and released power (to the charging stations)
Table sub_distribution_input_output_history {
id integer [not null, unique]
sub_distribution_id integer [not null, ref: >]
power integer [not null]
input_output_type INPUT_OUTPUT [not null]
created_at DATETIME
// from panels
// to consumers
// an inverter aggregates multiple string combiners in one cable
Table inverter {
id integer [not null, unique]
sub_distribution_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// collect the incoming power in one inverter
Table inverter_input_history {
id integer [not null, unique]
inverter_id integer [not null, ref: >]
power integer [not null]
created_at datetime [not null]
// multiple panels are combined with one string combiner
Table string_combiner {
id integer [not null, unique]
inverter_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// a PV panel
Table panel {
id integer [not null, unique]
// serial number for the PV panel
serial_number char(255) [not null, unique]
// some panel information
panel_status PANEL_STATUS [not null]
// where is the panel located
coordinates polygon [not null]
// also assign it to a parking lot row. assigning it to a single cell is difficult b/c it can span over multiple cells
parking_lot_row_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// a manufacturer can produce multiple panel types with different outputs
panel_type_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// a panel belongs to a string cominber
string_combiner_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// keep track of the panel inventory
Table panel_type {
id integer [not null, unique]
name char(255)
// kWp
max_power_output integer
supplier_id integer [not null, ref: >]
Indexes {
// there can be only one name for a panel of a supplier
(name, supplier_id) [unique]
// supplier/manufacturer of panels and charge stations
Table supplier {
id integer [not null, unique]
name char(255)
// a single charging station
Table charge_station {
id integer [not null, unique]
name char(255) [not null]
// it is somewhere located in a parking row
parking_lot_row_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// a charge station is connected to a sub distribution to receive power from the grid
sub_distribution_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// type of charge station
charge_station_type_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// this is more or less the same as `panel_type` but you can enrich it with charge station specific attributes
Table charge_station_type {
id integer [not null, unique]
name char(255) [not null]
supplier_id integer [not null, ref: >]
Indexes {
// there can be only one name for a charge station of a supplier
(name, supplier_id) [unique]
// well, a car. We don't keep track of the owner
Table car {
id integer [not null, unique]
// a car is connected to a charge station
Table charge_station_occupancy {
id integer [not null, unique]
charge_station_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// this is null b/c if a charge station has no occupation, no row is added to the database
car_id integer [not null, ref: >]
// store connection time
connected_at datetime [not null]
// retrieve the car's battery load status
car_load_on_connect integer [not null]
// disconnected_at must be null because it can not be simultaneously connected and disconnected
disconnected_at datetime [null]
car_load_on_disconnect [null]
// how much power has been transferred between the charge station and the car
Table charge_station_transaction_history {
id integer [not null, unique]
charge_station_occupancy_id integer [not null, ref: > ]
power integer [not null]
direction TRANSACTION_DIRECTION [not null]
// this is pretty trivial implementation to assign cost or profit for charge station transaction
Table credit {
id integer [not null, unique]
charge_station_transaction_history_id integer [ not null, ref: >]
// this can be negative and is stored as EUR
amount double [not null]
created_at datetime